Я не верую в дни и ночи
09.06.2014 в 02:16
Пишет Икар Монгольфье Райт:Братская любовь и пляски со скрещенными пальцами
Скоро перестану писать посты, просто буду ходить к Сибил и добавлять себе, как жадный крокодил.
Это пример того, как удивительное случается, даже когда уже ничего не ждешь.
К этому посту нечего уже добавить, кроме истинной песни братской любви, под которую я собираюсь плясать остаток ночи.
Прослушать или скачать The Kinks Mirror of love бесплатно на Простоплеер
URL записиСкоро перестану писать посты, просто буду ходить к Сибил и добавлять себе, как жадный крокодил.
Это пример того, как удивительное случается, даже когда уже ничего не ждешь.
К этому посту нечего уже добавить, кроме истинной песни братской любви, под которую я собираюсь плясать остаток ночи.
Прослушать или скачать The Kinks Mirror of love бесплатно на Простоплеер
09.06.2014 в 01:56
Пишет S is for Sibyl:The Kinks Discussing Reunion, Tour, New Music
«A Kinks reunion has long been ruled out because of the volatile relationship between brothers Ray Davies and Dave Davies. For years, they've only communicated via email, and when rumors of a Kinks reunion would surface, one of the two would usually shoot down the possibility. But now, just maybe, it looks like a reunion could happen after all.
According to an interview with The Sunday Times (via The Telegraph), Ray Davies says he and his brother have finally met in person to discuss a Kinks reunion.
“I met Dave only last week to talk about getting back together again,” he said. “We’ve also spoken a few times on the phone and emailed. He’s been composing his own songs, but I’d really like to write with him again. We both agree we don’t want to do old stuff or tour with past hits. It’s got to be something new.”
On his Facebook, Dave Davies clarified, "I met and talked with Ray but nothing has been agreed on yet."
Apparently, the Davies brothers put aside their differences over the new Kinks musical Sunny Afternoon, which opened earlier this year. Ray Davies apparently helped with the sсript and music; Dave saw the show and reportedly liked it.
Earlier this year, Ray, Dave, and the band's original drummer Mick Avory told Uncut that a reunion was "close" to happening, though Dave added, “I don’t want to see the legacy of the Kinks soured by two miserable old men doing it for the money.”»
Pitchfork News
URL записи«A Kinks reunion has long been ruled out because of the volatile relationship between brothers Ray Davies and Dave Davies. For years, they've only communicated via email, and when rumors of a Kinks reunion would surface, one of the two would usually shoot down the possibility. But now, just maybe, it looks like a reunion could happen after all.
According to an interview with The Sunday Times (via The Telegraph), Ray Davies says he and his brother have finally met in person to discuss a Kinks reunion.
“I met Dave only last week to talk about getting back together again,” he said. “We’ve also spoken a few times on the phone and emailed. He’s been composing his own songs, but I’d really like to write with him again. We both agree we don’t want to do old stuff or tour with past hits. It’s got to be something new.”
On his Facebook, Dave Davies clarified, "I met and talked with Ray but nothing has been agreed on yet."
Apparently, the Davies brothers put aside their differences over the new Kinks musical Sunny Afternoon, which opened earlier this year. Ray Davies apparently helped with the sсript and music; Dave saw the show and reportedly liked it.
Earlier this year, Ray, Dave, and the band's original drummer Mick Avory told Uncut that a reunion was "close" to happening, though Dave added, “I don’t want to see the legacy of the Kinks soured by two miserable old men doing it for the money.”»
Pitchfork News